
Climber-webinaari: HR-analytiikka ’22
Mitä on henkilöstöanalytiikka ja mitä hyötyä siitä on? Millaisia ongelmia henkilöstöanalytiikalla ratkotaan? Missä vaiheessa organisaatiosi (HR-)analytiikkakypsyys on? Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan HR-analytiikkawebinaariamme ja oppimaan organisaatiollesi sopivat seuraavat askeleet analytiikanmatkalla.
Data Activation Summit
Join the Qlik Data Activation Summit online where you’ll learn how to combine the latest innovations to establish a real-time analytics data pipeline – providing the insights you need to take immediate, informed action. Register now to watch the recording on-demand!
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Climber-webinaari: Qlikkaa SaaSsiin
Katso webinaarimme tallenne, jossa käydään läpi miten organisaationne hyötyy analytiikan siirtämisestä pilveen. Kerromme eri vaihtoehtoja ja haastattelemme asiakkaitamme SaaS-matkan alkutaipaleesta ja tekijöistä jotka vaikuttivat päätöksentekoon SaaS-palveluihin siirtymisestä.
Cloud Data and Analytics Tour International with Climber
Join us to navigate a path to cloud for your analytics. We’ll give you a heads up on the latest features. Hear about our customer FCG and how they’ve started the transition leveraging Qlik Sense Saas for faster insights. See how you too can make the move, at your own pace, learn how you can enjoy the experience of Qlik as a Service with your on prem solution and in parallel get the benefits of Qlik Sense SaaS functionality – as it’s not a one fits all experience but rather a very individual one.
>> Sign up here!
QlikWorld Online 2021
QlikWorld 2021 on-demand! QlikWorld Online is the industry-leading, free global event featuring the biggest names in data. Inspirational keynotes. Over 100 mind-blowing data integration and data analytics breakout sessions. Endless virtual networking opportunities. All at your finger tips. Register for your seat today!
>> Sign me up!
Vizlib From Insights to Action
Data and analytics are playing a critical role in business and finance. One of the most prominent challenges organizations are facing today is the fragmented analytics landscape that makes it difficult for departments to share data and collaborate on data insights to be able to act fast and drive business value. In this webinar series, we will explore the immense potential of collaborating within Qlik Sense, leveraging visual planning to align strategy with operational performance with the help of Vizlib value-added products.
>> Sign up here!
Qlik Webinar: 7 Ways to Accelerate Business Insights
Give more data analytics power to your people! Analytics based on the quick delivery of up-to-date data is critical. But that requires more than pretty visualisations. We’ll give you 7 Ways to Accelerate Business Insights with Modern Data Analytics.
>> Sign up now!
Tervetuloa Qlik-tietoiskuihin verkossa
Järjestämme alkuvuoden 2021 aikana seuraavat tietoiskut, olet tervetullut vaikka kaikkiin.
>> Ilmoittaudu tästä!
Qlik Analytics Tour International with Climber
Qlik Analytics Tour International with Climber – Predict your way to Action. Join us for a on-demand masterclass on how to accelerate actions through Augmented Data Analytics at the Qlik Analytics Tour 2020!
>> Sign up here!
QlikWorld online 2020
QlikWorld is coming up June 24-25! Join us to take part of what’s in the works regarding Data Analytics, Data Integration and Data Literacy. Get inspired by success stories, enhance your skills with hands-on exercises and be first to check out Qlik’s product news!
>> Sign me up!
Webinar: 5 keys to framing a competitive data strategy
Sign up for our 30 min webinar, learn what to keep in mind when defining your data strategy and how to sidestep the pitfalls!
>> Register here!
Webinar: Sharpen up your Financial Planning with Forecasting in Qlik
Sign up for our 30 min on-demand webinar on how to use Qlik in the forecasting process to sharpen the financial planning and keep control of your business performance.
>> Sign up here!
Webinar: 4 keys to succeed with self-service BI in Qlik
Sign up for our 30 min webinar on May 5 and get a fast track to self-service success in Qlik! Together with the telecom giant Telia we’ll address self-service from a user, process, platform and license aspect.
>> Sign up here!
Datan jalostamo: datatragediasta datastrategiaan -webinaari
Dataa on verrattu kyllästymiseen asti öljyyn. Kuten öljynkin kanssa, datan jalostaminen raaka-aineesta on moniportainen prosessi ja lopputuotteitakin on lukuisia. Käymme webinaarissa läpi yksinkertaiset vaiheet, joilla datatragedia muutetaan datastrategiaksi. Järjestämme on-demand webinaari!
>> Ilmoittaudu tästä!
Predictive Analytics Webinar with DataRobot and Qlik
Sign up for our 45 min on-demand webinar with DataRobot on how integration with Qlik will enable use of predictive analytics to the full and gain proper business value.
>> Sign up here!